Callie is the Alpha to every single dog she meets– except one. When Callie sees Indi she tucks her tail, flattens her ears to her head, and literally crawls under Indi’s body to position Indi on top of her. Indi loves this, and takes full advantage of her appointed Queen Bee status, holding her head high and growling. Thing is, Callie likes it even more.
A couple weeks ago I bought Indi a stuffed hedgehog squeeky toy. She was in a lot of pain at the time because of her bone tumor, so she was not in the mood to play. But last weekend when Callie came over, Indi picked up her hedgehog and squeeked it around, carrying it from room to room. She wagged her tail and asked everyone for non-stop petting. It was the happiest she had been in a month. Best friends: Now that’s good medecine.